Monday, January 10, 2011

resolve to resolution

I stumbled across the blog "Hungry For a Month" a little bit ago and was inspired by the idea's simple ability to a) save money, b) serve as a kick ass diet and c) force yourself to stick to an insane regiment. In doing a bit more research I found hundreds of articles just like this one ranging from those who stock piled potatoes and costco-sized boxes of hamburger helper in an effort to stick to a savings savvy regime, to those who were just looking to try something new and challenge themselves. 

The concept, for "Evan" was fairly simple: 

For the month of November, I’m only spending $30 on food. The only exception will be things that are freely available to the average person (salt taken from restaurants, sauce packets from Taco Bell, free coffee from an office). Buying in advance is fine, but at the end of the month, it all has to add up to $30 or less.

But could you do it? I briefly considered this challenge in May when I closed on my condo and realized my once slightly sturdy savings account was now much more barren. Beach season was coming...why not kill two birds with one stone, right? Not so much. It's amazing how suddenly the flurry of BBQ's, Birthdays, celebrations, pot lucks, office get-togethers and other amazingly fun festivities will throw you immediately off of your game. 

What about thinking about Hungry for a Month in the larger sense? Beyond this specific challenge, I'm constantly amazed by the self-imposed tests we line up for ourselves on a daily basis. In my office alone today I heard one girl who had decided to go Vegan for a month to see how it may change her body, a guy who isn't drinking in an effort to cleanse from a week long hangover post NYE and yet another who has made it her goal to plan her wedding for just under what an average person makes in a year. At brunch yesterday some friends and I were discussing New Year's resolutions... promises we know we likely won't keep but our attempt to remain optimistic and make a happy change. We all do it, there's no shame in knowing you'll fail but being bold enough to say... watch me try.  

I started a bucket list earlier this year and every few months I throw something else on there. Something I've always imagined trying, something I've seen someone else accomplish, or just something that seems cool no matter how plausible or implausible it may be. 

The window at lululemon on halsted dares you to try something every day that scares you... whether it be living on a $1/day, eating nothing but leaves and bark or tumbling like a lunatic out of a plane at 15,000 feet, take a step, go forth boldly and be willing to spend an extra buck when you've done well, made it part way and you really just need a cupcake

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