Monday, July 11, 2011

and this week...

In an effort to get my creative juices flowing again I've decide to devote this post to Aaron Karo. Not the actual person, I don't even know him... that would be weird, but rather his style of blogging. Every few weeks I get an email with a random dialogue of things he's been thinking about. Sure he's a comedian and I often find myself re-posting or making his rambles my status messages but until I get there, here-in lies my first bout of Hunter goes rogue.

If you ever wanted to be a pilot, you should probably be on SYTYCD... the acronym may be long but I'm more than a little obsessed with this show that seems to send more people flying through the air that an afternoon at Skydive Chicago. It's the only series on TV I would willingly devote three hours a week to. Five hours of rehearsal and they're on the stage leaping into the unknown with the faith that their partner will be there to catch them. My top 4:
Caitlynn and Mitchell
Ryan and Ricky
Melanie and Marco
Sasha and Alexander

Summer Reading may be totally 9th grade but if Borders hadn't closed up shop from every strip mall in the greater Chicago area, I'd be there just like it was that 90's August afternoon before I panicked and bought the Cliff's Notes version. Summer 2011 is all about The Help... Nathan and I have started a book club. Sure, it's just the two of us, and maybe we only agreed to do it because we said we'd go see the movie at the end, but so far I'm hooked. Sitting in the sun, on the couch or before bed, the stories are heavy but seem to intertwine and move forward with a lightness that makes the subject more manageable. Only five chapters in but I'm already shouting sequel!

If you find yourself sitting idly at your gate or waiting for the bus, you'll probably look to at least one side and see someone sliding their finger through their twitter feed. The Twitter, as I lovingly refer to it has become my favorite go to, "I'd rather not make eye contact with you" hobby. I love it, with its sound bites, random notes from friends, news reports, and up-to-the-minute update on what color Lauren Conrad's hair is this week... and that feeling of being re-tweeted or when your @ signs has a blinking red asterisk, you bettcha!

Need to get lost in your thoughts, dance till you sweat or put a soundtrack to your workday, play Lights by Ellie Goulding on repeat and get to it. The entire CD is like a marathon for your emotions.

As the subject matter of this blog clearly states, I've had a bit of writer's block over the past few weeks. Work took over, I had a headache, I was waiting for Karl's Fall 2011 Couture show to debut in Paris... yadda yadda...  I'm beyond amazed at the ability of 2 of my favorite bloggers to keep it going on a nearly daily basis. Want to laugh, read non-sensicle diatribes of the famous and utterly absurd, bookmark Colin's blog The Flint Skinny and if you want to feel motivated, connected and explore an entirely new world of possibilities, follow Meggie's See Meggie Run. Beyond two of the most loyal friends I know, they are my blogosphere A-Team.

Sure, she's a Dutchess, Princess or something else with a name that I don't entirely understand, and sure she's about my age but someday will rule a country and it doesn't seem to alarm her one bit, but what I find most amazing about the newly minted future queen is her closet.... her seemingly endless rotation of designer duds. Once a gauntlet reserved for a friendly feud between the first ladies of the US and France, the former Ms. Middleton has suddenly put Great Britain on the map.  

....and so on and so on and more.